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Klint Sheridan

14-Mile Roadhouse

Realtor’s Corner: Historic ’14-Mile House’ may have found a buyer… finally

Guest column by Klint Sheridan– Remember that Gold Rush Era home in Citrus Heights that was listed for sale at $340,000 earlier this summer? Well, after more than 200 days on the market, it still remains unsold… but…

Home sale Citrus Heights

Realtor’s Corner: Is the sun setting on sub-$250k homes in Citrus Heights?

Guest column by Klint Sheridan– Rising real estate prices are a common sight throughout the Greater Sacramento Area, but Citrus Heights has generally been seen as an area where good homes can be found at relatively modest prices.…

Citrus Heights Home sold

Realtor’s Corner: this property in Citrus Heights just sold for $700k

By Klint Sheridan– Last month a residential property on Watson Way in Citrus Heights sold for $700,000 — that’s more than twice the price of the average home sale in the city…