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Annual ‘State of the City’ address to be held Thursday

File photo, Citrus Heights Community Center. // CH Sentinel

Sentinel staff report–
The City of Citrus Heights will host its third annual “State of the City” address in-person this Thursday at the Community Center, with the event to feature an address from the mayor as well as a presentation from the city manager.

The first “State of the City” address in Citrus Heights was held remotely during the pandemic in 2020, and also in 2021. This year’s event will be held in-person, with members of the public invited to attend from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Oct. 20, 2022.

According to an event flier, admission is free and open to all community members. A pre-event VIP mixer will be held by the Chamber of Commerce from 5:30-6:30 p.m., with individual tickets running $40, or $70 for a pair.

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