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Citrus Heights Police Logs: panhandling, construction dispute, hammers

Latest police logs in Citrus Heights include reports of a man swinging a hammer at employees and customers at Walmart, an “irate neighbor” harassing construction workers about sidewalk work, and a suspicious panhandler dressed as a Salvation Army volunteer.

The following is a summary of select incidents listed in the Citrus Heights Police Department’s daily incident bulletins for Aug. 6, 2019. Additional logs are linked below.

Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2019: Total of 86 incidents reported. Incident report categories of note: 24 calls regarding suspicious activities, 23 disturbance-related, 12 homeless-related, 7 petty thefts, 2 burglaries, 1 grand theft, 3 hit-and-runs, and 4 reports of stolen vehicles. 

12:28 a.m., Reckless Driving, Birdcage Centre Ln. A truck was reportedly seen driving through a parking lot with a rope tied to a shopping cart. Police were advised that a person was inside the cart.

7:15 a.m., Stolen Vehicle, Montage Apartments on Fair Oaks Blvd. A vehicle was reported stolen from the Montage Apartment complex. Three other vehicles were also reported stolen the same day from various locations around the city.

7:57 a.m., Disturbance Verbal, Mariposa/Farmgate. Police were advised that a woman was in a “heated” argument with construction workers on Mariposa Avenue near Farmgate. She was presumably upset about sidewalk work being done. Several hours later, police received another call about an “irate neighbor” at the same location who was harassing workers. The caller requested that the woman be removed from the job site.

9:24 a.m., Suspicious Circumstances, Walmart Market on Sunrise Blvd. Police were contacted after a customer “randomly pulled out a hammer” from his pants as he was leaving the store and started swinging it at employees and customers. No one was injured in the incident. About 15 minute later, police received another report of a man hitting buildings with a hammer near Greenback Lane and Birdcage Street.

9:55 a.m., Suspicious Circumstances, Summer Ave. Police were advised that a resident near the Grand Oaks Shopping Center was allowing people to live in tents in their backyard.

9:59 a.m., Disturbance Loitering, Jack In The Box, Antelope/Sunrise. An ongoing issue was reported to police involving transients living in the parking lot behind Jack-in-the-Box. A second call regarding the same location was reported later the same day.

10:04 a.m., Grand Theft, Old Navy on Birdcage Centre Ln. Two suspects reportedly made off with about $1,000 in merchandise from the Old Navy store in the Birdcage shopping center.

10:12 a.m., Fraud/Forgery, Cobalt Wy. A woman told police she received and deposited a $4,000 check and then sent over $2,000 to the company that had sent her the check. However, after several calls, the woman realized it was a scam.

11:03 a.m., Hit and Run, with Injury. Police were called after a man was run over by a car at the Shell Gas Station at Sunrise Boulevard and Greenback Lane. The vehicle involved reportedly drove off from the scene without stopping and left the man with a foot injury.

3:18 p.m., Panhandling, San Juan/Greenback. Police were advised that a suspicious man carrying a bucket and wearing a white Salvation Army uniform was seen asking for money in the median near San Juan Avenue and Greenback Lane. The caller told police that they were affiliated with the Salvation Army and said the organization “would never ask for money like this.”

5:16 p.m., Disturbance Loitering, Popeye’s on Antelope Rd. Two transients were reportedly seen “shooting up” next to the drive-thru at Popeye’s restaurant. Several customers complained and the transients were asked to leave, however the pair then went into the bathroom, “thrashed it” and made a mess, and left blood all over.

6:06 p.m., Assault, Rusch Skate Park on Antelope Rd. An older juvenile was reportedly seen assaulting a 10-year-old at the Rusch Skate Park, with about 10-15 kids around them. It was unknown if medical attention was needed.

7:27 p.m., Suspicious Circumstances, Foxborough Apartments on Antelope Rd. A woman told police an unknown male had just walked into her apartment, sat down, and “began making faces at her.” He was later joined by a female.

7:51 p.m., Suspicious Circumstances, 99 Cent Store on Greenback Ln. Police were advised that a customer at the 99 Cents Store was “acting like he is shooting people with his fingers,” although no actual weapons were seen. He was also observed “rapping” inside the store. He was described as a man in his 30s, wearing headphones and a longsleeve shirt, jeans, and blue underwear.

Full logs: July 31 | Aug. 1 | Aug. 2 | Aug. 3 | Aug. 4 | Aug. 5| Aug. 6

Looking for local arrest logs? click here

Note: The Sentinel compiles summaries of select local police incident bulletins each week as a service to the public, based on data available from CHPD. Police advise that the information included in daily bulletins are summaries of calls for service for each day, with information “deemed confidential” not included in the record. CHPD states that the information noted on its daily bulletins is what was reported to police by callers, or in person, and therefore “may or may not actually reflect the true content of an incident.”

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