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2017 Storm Prep: Citrus Heights offers free sandbags at two locations

sandbags, citrus heights
Citrus Heights residents fill up bags with sand at a station located at city hall. // Courtesy, City of Citrus Heights

Citrus Heights residents seeking to prepare for expected storms and flooding this season can grab a shovel and stock up on free sandbag supplies at two locations in the city.

Free sand and bags in the city are available for Citrus Heights residents only, and proof of residency is required before picking up bags from city hall’s main desk, according to the city’s website.

Regina Cave, who works for the city’s general services department, said the load-your-own bags can be picked up between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays from city hall, with sand available outside city hall 24-hours-a-day. Sand can also be picked up during regular park hours at C-Bar-C Park, located at 8275 Oak Ave.

Although sand and bags are free, Cave said residents need to bring their own shovels since city-provided tools “frequently disappear.” A 10-bag limit is recommended for cars, and 20 bags for trucks, due to hauling capacity on vehicles.

>>See city’s “Storm Ready” web page

Two years ago, anticipations of a large December storm drove Citrus Heights residents to fill up more than 11,000 free sandbags. Although demand ended up causing sandbag stations to run out of supplies, the storm turned out to be a “fizzle.”

>>From 2014: ‘Stormageddon’ a fizzle for Citrus Heights, says City engineer

The city used to operate a sandbag station at McDonald Field, but currently only offers sand at city hall and C-Bar-C park.

2017 Citrus Heights Sandbag locations:

City Hall
6360 Fountain Square Dr. (Bags available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sand available 24-hours-a-day)

C-Bar-C Park (sand only, no bags)
8275 Oak Ave., East of Fair Oaks Boulevard

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