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Letters: red light cameras, elections, homeless shelters, Henry Tingle

This week’s letters include comments from residents on homeless shelters, Henry Tingle’s retirement as city manager, local elections, and red light cameras in Citrus Heights.

Citrus Heights should offer homeless shelter, resources
(RE: Letters, Oct. 2) I would like to add my take on the homelessness in our city. Citrus Heights doesn’t have any resources for these people to get and use. Of course, they can travel down to Loaves and Fishes for these things, but this does not work for two reasons. One they are homeless, if they have $6 for bus/light rail, they will use it for food. Two, they don’t want to be downtown or can’t travel there for medical reasons. Citrus Heights has become large enough to offer these resources as well as finding somewhere in our city to place a shelter or two. We spend large amounts of money on things that are not quite as important as this. Not all homeless people are drug addicts. They are homeless because maybe they originally lost their jobs due to cut backs, which led to them losing their homes which leads to them having to live in either their cars or if they don’t have a car on the street. They don’t want to be there but can’t get themselves out on their own. Assistance with shelter and showering availability would go a long way toward getting off the street. Sure, you will always have those who prefer to be homeless for whatever their reasons and all the resources in the world will not help those who don’t want to be helped. Concentrate on those who want and would benefit from resources.

-Kathie Gindling, Citrus Heights

Kozlowski can’t be trusted
I have to wonder why a candidate backed by the political establishment, with all their money (almost $150K in the primary) and supposed savvy, could “forget” to file a Statement of Candidate Qualifications – the most critical document that goes to every single voter. Yet in the Official Guide there is no statement from Mike Kozlowski.
Perhaps it was a strategic move to avoid a legal challenge to Mike’s previous misleading public statements about being a businessman and an architect – both of which we now know are not true. Mike also claimed to oppose raising taxes, yet at the Citrus Heights Chamber debate stated that he supports the $3 Billion sales tax hike.
If Mike wasn’t telling the truth when he made those statements, how can we trust him to represent us as Sacramento County Supervisor?
Campaign filings show that over 95% of Kozlowski’s money came from a single special interest — almost $150,000 in “independent expenditures” — from a Political Action Committee called Region Builders. Kozlowski was listed as a Board Member of the group.
We need to elect leaders who we can trust to tell us the truth, who have a record of accomplishment, and who are committed to stand up for District 4 residents. Mike Kozlowski fails all those tests. (Edited for excessive length)
Bob Pitvorec, Citrus Heights

Thoughts on red light cameras, schools
(RE: Likely voters list 4 top candidates after Citrus Heights council forum, Sept. 21) It appeared that several of the Citrus Heights council candidates were concerned about the quality of education in our city. What, if anything, do they think they could do to improve the school system in our city as council members? It doesn’t matter if they are elected to the council or not — why don’t they run for school board?
Also, Citrus Heights has red light cameras yet they claim that they don’t reap but little rewards? Do they cut down on accidents? A right turn on red (failure to stop at a red light) costs $480, plus you need to go to traffic violator’s school, which carries a separate fee. What are the stats on right turn on red causing accidents? What is history of red light cameras in Citrus Heights?
-Tonya Wagner, Citrus Heights

Henry Tingle left a good legacy
Henry Tingle was our city manager for 16 years. But for Henry, being city manager was not just a job — it was a mission. When he learned a new city was being formed, he wanted to be part of it and started as head of General Services Dept. When our interim city manager left, Interestingly Henry was not the council’s 1st choice for city manager. The 1st two picks turned down the offer! And the good Lord sent us Henry. Although he did not live IN Citrus Heights, he lived FOR our city. He regarded all the residents as members of his family. Henry is leaving a visible footprint in the changes he did to our streetscapes and public buildings. But he is also leaving an invisible handprint on the values he promoted in our policies: integrity, teamwork, fiscal responsibility, life balance and more. Henry, take a rest — your mission was successfully completed.
Dr. Jayna Karpinski-Costa, Citrus Heights
Former councilmember and mayor

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