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Citrus Heights This Week: What’s going on in town (July 27-Aug 2)

Signs_city_20150110_151012Things are a bit quiet around Citrus Heights this week, with only a handful of community meetings scheduled and a final California Dream TeamTennis match on Wednesday — but August promises to heat things up with several larger events on the calendar.

July 27: On Monday, guest speakers from the Area 4 Agency on Aging have been invited by the Sylvan Old Auburn Road (SOAR) neighborhood group to discuss identifying and prioritizing needs of seniors in Citrus Heights, according to a meeting flier. The 7 p.m. meeting will be held at 7521 Community Drive in the Sylvan Community Center.

[Document: SOAR meeting flier]

July 29: Wednesday evening features the final TeamTennis match in the Dream Stadium for the 2015 season, with California Dream players facing the San Diego Aviators. The match is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in the temporary stadium set up in the Sunrise Mall parking lot near Greenback Lane and Sunrise Boulevard.

A pair of workshops have also been scheduled by the City of Citrus Heights for Wednesday, with one addressing development of the City’s first-ever Pedestrian Master Plan and the other addressing community development funding. The master plan workshop promises to give attendees the opportunity to share input on draft recommendations to “make Citrus Heights a more walkable and vibrant community,” according to a workshop flier.

The other workshop will be held at the new temporary city hall location on Auburn Boulevard in the Grand Oaks Shopping center, from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesday. The workshop is set to address Community Development Block Grant funding, which accounts for about $83,000 in public service funding to benefit low-to-moderate income areas or persons, according to the City’s website.

[Related: City workshops to discuss pedestrian plan, community dev funding]

Upcoming events for August include National Night Out, the annual Veteran’s Day Picnic and Hot August Bites at Rusch Park.
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