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Council to appoint 13 board positions in January

Applications are being accepted through December 18 for positions on the Citrus Heights Planning Commission, Construction Board of Appeals and the History & Arts Commission, as city council members are set to appoint 13 positions whose terms are set to expire at the end of the year.

City of Citrus Heights sign, marquee. Stock photo. by Luke Otterstad
Stock photo, civic center sign. Citrus Heights Sentinel

“It’s always great to see people who want to get involved in city government,” council member Jeff Slowey said at a December council meeting. “If you’re interested, feel free to put in an application, we always like to see new people.”

All positions range from two to four year terms and require applicants to be residents of Citrus Heights and be 18 years of age or older – except for the History and Arts Commission, which allows former residents and descendants of Citrus Heights residents to apply.

The seven-member Planning Commission meets twice a month and hears land-use related projects and “reviews proposed ordinances and other issues relating to the implementation of the City’s General Plan,” according to the City’s website. The commission also makes recommendations to the city council, as it did with the city hall relocation proposal.

An application form for the positions list no formal training or experience requirements to serve as a planning commissioner, but specifies applicants need to have “an interest and desire to participate in the planning and development of the City of Citrus Heights.”

The other seven-member commission with five seats up for appointment is the History and Arts Commission, which works to promote cultural arts in Citrus Heights as well as assisting “in the preservation and enhancement of historical buildings and artifacts.” The commission was founded in 2001 and meets once a month on the first Monday.

The five-member Construction Board of Appeals meets on an “as-needed” basis to hear complaints from those aggrieved by a decision of the City’s chief building official, and “assists in determining suitability of materials and methods of construction, as well as interpreting technical codes.” According to a City notice, applicants for this commission must be “qualified by experience and training to pass upon matters pertaining to building construction.”

Applications for all positions are available online and must be submitted to the City clerk by 5 p.m., December 18. Council members are scheduled to make appointments at their January 8, 2015 meeting.

City flier about open positions:
Application form:

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