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City of Citrus Heights Unveils Newly Redesigned Website

After 10 years since its last online face-lift, the City of Citrus Heights unveiled its new website Thursday — intending to provide new content, better navigation and more interactive features for online access to local government services.

City of Citrus Heights unveils new website
The new homepage for the City of Citrus Heights’ website.

Determining the site was outdated and in need of a redesign, the city council awarded a contracted to CivicPlus back in February of this year, with the project costing $75,984, according to City Clerk Amy Van. The council will view a presentation of the website during a special meeting Thursday evening.

The new site features a responsive design to allow proper viewing on mobile devices, as well as a more user-friendly site navigation — which the City said it hopes will make it easier to find information and interact with local government.  The site also features a “Welcome to Citrus Heights” page for newcomers, a customizable homepage for regular visitors, a redesigned upcoming events calendar and sign-ups for email alerts.

A mobile app will also be available for both Android and Apple phones in the next few weeks, according to Van.

The City’s new website is viewable at

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