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New Staff Report Recommends Council Take “No Action” on Moving City Hall

Updated 5:14 p.m., August 14-

A new Staff Report is recommending the Citrus Heights city council take “no action” on the controversial proposal to move city hall, according to documents released Friday night on the City’s website.

Proposed three-story medical office building which would replace existing city hall at Fountain Square Drive and Greenback Lane. // Courtesy of Dignity Health
Proposed three-story medical office building which would replace existing city hall at Fountain Square Drive and Greenback Lane. // Courtesy of Dignity Health

“Staff recommends that the City Council take no action on the medical office building and City Hall project at this time and direct staff to do additional environmental review,” reads a summary of the report issued by City Manager Henry Tingle, who has been a vocal supporter of the proposal.

Opponents of the plan to move city hall see the report as a change in the right direction, as prior reports from staff have recommended going ahead with the proposal.

“We see this as a favorable development, but our position remains unchanged,” said Tim Schaefer, with the group Save City Hall. “We will remain vigilant until moving city hall is off the table for good.”

The Staff Report will be presented to the council at its August 14 meeting, and council members will decide whether to move ahead with the proposal or to follow the recommendation of staff and hold off on a decision.

Previously, in a split 3-2 vote, the council voted to postpone a final decision on the proposal during its July 24 meeting, after environmental attorney Chris Butcher threatened a lawsuit if the plan moved forward.

City Council Meeting:
Thursday, August 14, 2014
7:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers
7117 Greenback Lane
Citrus Heights, CA 95621

Full Staff Report:

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