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County Rep reaches out to Citrus Heights residents

Every fourth Friday, Sacramento County Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan has been holding a “Community Cabinet Meeting” at the Citrus Heights Denny’s, as part of an effort to stay in touch with those in her district.

Roberta MacGlashanDuring February’s meeting, MacGlashan gave an update on a recent CPS accountability report, and brought in a “surprise guest” from RegionalSan to give an update on sanitation quality efforts, as well as a proposed fee increase.

MacGlashan has close ties with the City, having served as both a council member and mayor of Citrus Heights prior to being elected as county supervisor in 2004.

Denny’s is located at 6215 Sunrise Blvd. in Citrus Heights.

*Editor’s note: MacGlashan does not hold meetings in June, November, or December.

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